Girlboss Rally July 3, 2019

This weekend, I decided to attend the #Girlboss Rally for the first time at UCLA. I was exervous (definition: excited and nervous) because I couldn’t wait to meet new people and learn more about branding. However, most people who know me are aware that I’m an introvert. I’m not using this characteristic of myself as a negative connotation. I’m just stating a fact. I’m the type of person that likes balance. I like being surrounded by people for a certain amount of time, but I also need space by myself to recharge so that I can save more energy for later. The rally in so many ways made me go out of my comfort zone. I went to a bunch of sessions related to public speaking, branding, marketing strategies, networking, and finding your confidence. There were plenty of good speakers such as Michelle Phan (who was my childhood role model from her youtube channel), Rupi Kaur (one of my all time favorite poets), Paris Hilton, and so many more incredible speakers.

For the events or “classes” there were some checklist items before attending. First you had to register for the rally, download the girlboss app with your schedule, and wear a wristband the day of the #Girlboss event to scan in. The rally had a variety of different sections and a selective amount of seating. Some of the sessions would overlap in each of the time frames offered. You either had to sign up during priority or general registration depending on which pass is purchased. For me, I had priority registration. However during the first day in the middle of the rally, my schedule got completely messed up. Long story short, I logged out of my account to resubmit my LinkedIn info for networking. Then I logged back in for a second time except the app deleted my whole schedule for the two days I was there…Talk about panic mode right there. After that mishap, I sat down in shock and started RE-registering for everything that I wanted to do. Some of the events I initially signed up for were able to be put back on my schedule except for a couple of the talks that got completely filled up. This definitely wasn’t an ideal situation, but I didn’t let that ruin my experience. I used it as an opportunity to try something new.

After my whole schedule fiasco, I soldiered on and went about the rest of my day. After a few of the sessions I went to, I made my way to the lounge area. That place at the rally was probably one of my favorite locations at UCLA. There were food trucks that offered nut-free and/or gluten free options, vendors that were all established and managed by women, and sitting areas for networking with other women entrepreneurs. This area made it easier to have organic conversations with other people. It didn’t feel forced or uncomfortable. It felt like I was talking to my friends back home or at college. Everyone I talked to was super sweet and genuine. We were all confident in ourselves and encouraged each other on our accomplishments (code for no bullshit zone and I liked it). This space gave everyone an opportunity to be themselves and rewind.

After the girl boss rally ended today, I had some time to reflect. I learned from that whole experience that everything happens for a reason. Although there are times when things don’t go right, God has a plan. The schedule problem was meant to happen because I met so many amazing women along the way and I’m more inspired than ever to be a voice in that community. If my day went the way I expected to, I wouldn’t have learned a lot about myself and who I want to be. It’s important to have those “accidental” moments because although it may seem troublesome, it’s not an accident. Everything happens for a reason. Everyone that walks into your life has a purpose. All walks of life have meaning for you to become the best version of yourself. It’s all about mindset! You just have to look at every situation as the glass half full instead of half empty!




Flying Solo


ZERO Needle Acupunture!