ZERO Needle Acupunture!


While I was at the #girlbossrally, I came across a company called #periodpainfree. This company focuses on creating personalized herbal treatments so that women can have less pain during their menstrual cycle each month.

At the rally, they were doing a test run for a new product called ear seeds. Ear seeds are stick on gems that target pressure points for mood balance and period pain. This is a no needles acupuncture product and it’s super easy to put on by yourself!

For the test trial Dr.Nicole, Co-Founder and Chief Healer of #periodpainfree, had me sit down to put in the gems on each part of my right ear. Initially I thought they were just ordinary gems you get at Micheal’s, but I found out during the application process that each gem has tiny beads on the inside of the adhesive.

Overall, I was really happy with how they turned out. At first I was a little but skeptical because I didn’t know if it would work, but I experienced results right away. With the ear seeds, I had more energy and haven’t experienced horrible cramps since using this product. I wish I would of had this product growing up because menstrual cycle symptoms were an issue for me and other girls my age in the past (middle school/high school).

What I really like about the company is that they acknowledge what women go through and provide an effective solution. When I was younger, there was such a stigma with women talking openly about menstrual cycles. After some experience, I realized that at the end of the day it’s normal part of a women’ livelihood to talk about these issues. The #periodpainfree platform and products decreases that stigma by turning it into a relatable product for millennials. It’s trendy and modern while being resourceful to women who have menstrual cycle symptoms. I highly recommend purchasing the ear seeds! Later on, I will be testing out the droplet subscription from #periodpainfree.

Link to purchase this product and other remedies is down below!

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Girlboss Rally July 3, 2019