Brand New You = Brand New Aesthetic

Hello hello everyone! It’s been a while since I posted something on my actual blogging space, but thank you to everyone who clicked on my link and welcome to my new and improved website!  I thought since the holiday’s and new year’s celebrations are coming up, I wanted to cut to the chase and provide some insight on branding.  Whether you’re creating or revamping the aesthetic of your instagram or finding your “why”, it’s important to evaluate how you want to make your foot print on the world aside from the media.  It’s good to think about how you want to feel about yourself and your brand overall moving forward. Also keep in mind throughout this whole process, you want to think about the type of points you want to create in each of your posts while making it feel natural to you. Here are some of the things I like to think about when I started to brand myself or when I’m thinking about a rebranded look and/or update:

What is my brand now?

What would I like my brand to be about?

Why do I want to do it this way?

What is the sole purpose of each post?

What makes me and other people excited?

What will speak to my essence?

Why do I want to approach it this way?

What is my brand based on: Popularity or passion?

What’s the main objective of the account?

What’s your story?

These are some of the questions I ask myself during the branding and rebranding initial process.  As of right now, I’m thinking about rebranding my whole instagram grid, aesthetic, and purpose entirely.  I’ve been going back and forth with some concept ideas and reevaluating my “why”. So as I’m writing this to you all, I’m also in this process with you as well.

From my experience in the past and now currently speaking, in order to have a brand you have to be passionate about what you want to promote that speaks to you the most.  I recommend first finding your aesthetic.  What colors speak to you? How you want your grid to look? What is your type of aesthetic that will speak for itself?  For me, I started out doing an instagram grid based on lifestyle and fashion with an essence of modern, classic tones.  Then as I got more comfortable, I got into my own groove with original content and ideas.

As of right now, I’ve been doing my own instagram routine grid for almost two years and I’m ready to switch it up to into something that’s more new.  Moderno per say.  So what’s been working for me to create and find ideas is the magic of Pinterest.  Searching different types instagram boards and grids helps me find new inspo. What can guide you even better with the ideas you have is attaching colors you want to include your grid to refine your search.  It’s also important to remember that everyone is different with this type of aesthetic, but find one that speaks to you the most. (Tip: Create a bubble chart or post it tree to gather all your ideas into one space and then keep or clear ideas throughout the process)

Another aspect to think about is what you want your page to be about? Whenever people find you or see your page, the layout is the first thing they see and the bio along with it.  Think about first impressions and how you want to come off.  What picture, caption, etc. says the most about you? What do you want your followers to think about? How will these aspects express that? Think about your main interests and what you want people to see. For me, I initially wanted it to be a clean modeling page but it has cultivated into something more than that. It’s a concept that has evolved to have originality through my posts while having the idea of fashion and lifestyle in mind.

Lastly, find the right platform for you.  There is no linear right or wrong answer.  That’s the great thing about branding.  You can go any direction you want to.  What helps me find or redefine my platform is thinking about your “why”. To find different ideas, I like looking at celeb or other popular accounts to find new inspo. I also think it’s important to reevaluate: What do you want people to take away from your posts?  Personally, I think it’s helpful to look at different graphic design artists or photographers to have a sense of how they tell a story through graphics, captions, etc.


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