Coronavirus + Bachelor Watch Parties

So since the coronavirus hit, A LOT has changed. College classes are moved to virtual sessions, stores are rationing their food and most of us had to move back home.

During all that chaos, my article for the Miami Student never ended up not getting published in print or online due to the coronavirus, the timeliness of the topic, and the stories that need to be reported/written related to the coronavirus for March issue.

With the circumstance and all the chaos from those past couple of weeks, I wasn’t upset. Sure it would’ve been cool to have it published, but it was totally understandable situation.

The Miami Student is a hard working team and they managed to quickly print last issue at Miami University. Not just any issue, but the LAST print issue of the semester.

Even though it wasn’t published there, I didn’t want my work to go to waste. So here’s a past piece I worked on before the coronavirus chaos. Enjoy!

The Peter Webber Season at Miami University

By: Mia Lee

Madison or Hannah Ann? It’s a prevailing question on this season of The Bachelor. With all the show’s twists and turns, it’s no surprise that viewers are all on their toes to find out who Peter picks in the end.

Whether it’s in the comfort of your home or spending time with your friends, Bachelor watch parties have been cropping up left and right on Miami University’s campus. 

This semester, Beta Theta Pi (Beta) started Bachelor watch parties at their chapter house for sororities to join in as they bond and cheer on for their Bachelor favorites.

Kyle Novak, Beta’s vice President of programming, shared his insight of how the idea was created as part of the Beta Chapter social outreach.

“We wanted to build a relationship with different chapters,” said Novak.  “[To] try something new, try something different.”

This season of the Bachelor, has left many viewers with mixed feelings about the show’s content.  Many aren’t too happy with how Peter, the titular bachelor, has handled it.

“I like Madison more ... I don’t want him to end up with anyone,” said Skylar Shoglund, a first-year student.  

Sororities, fraternities and the Miami community have been itching to see the new episodes while making it a fun experience for everyone.

Beta’s programming committee is made up of 12 people who brainstorm different themes for events. In the future, they plan to continue coordinating more bachelor watch parties for sororities to be part of. 

Another event for the Season Finale of the Bachelor happened at Brick Street. This event was an open invite to anyone that wanted to hang out with their friends and have a good time.

Despite the corona virus outbreak and President Crawford’s email notifications, this didn’t stop students from going out and having a good time.

Junior Abrianna Coper shared her insight on the season as well as the experience having the watch party at Brick Street.

“I heard the season is a lot more dramatic than others,” said Coper.  

She attended the event partially because school was in the midst of shutting down.

The part two finale had a lot of surprising conclusions and takes from each of the Bachelor members.  


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