My NYC Adventure

Outside the Glossier Store in SohoPhoto By: Mia Lee
Outside the Glossier Store in Soho

Photo By: Mia Lee

I still wasn’t too comfortable going on the subway on my own because sometimes my dyslexia gets really bad with directions and I didn’t want to take a chance on getting lost so I took an Uber there instead. Once I arrived at Soho, I waited in line for 20 minutes to get in the Glossier Store. It’s by far one of my favorites to visit every time I’m in the area because it’s such a unique set-up and there products are amazing. When I finished at Glossier, I decided to venture out more into different areas. I came across this perfume shop where you can pick out original perfumes and collect different scents. I also stopped at different boutique and staple shops in the area as well. From that spontaneous visit, it is now by far one of my favorite areas in NYC to go to.

Soho Dear Perfumarie Store

Photo By: Mia Lee

Once I finished my day in Soho, I had to get ready to meet my friends for dinner. We decided to meet up at this Mexican restaurant called Toloache 50. It happened to be super close (a few blocks) from where I was staying which made me very relieved consider my fiasco yesterday.

After I finished getting ready, I headed over to meet Nikita and Kamila. I met them through the NYC fashion program last year and I’m still good friends with them to this day. They graduated from Miami University a year early so I missed them a lot. I was so glad to see them because they’re such good friends of mine and we always have a good time together along with Adzaan and Kenzel who were also in the fashion program with us last year.

When we got a chance to order some food, we caught up with each other and were reminiscing memories about our trip in NYC together as a group last year. We all missed each other a lot and it was crazy how much time passed since then. While we talked, the food came and it was quite phenomenal. I’m a total sucker for Mexican food. It’s one of my absolute favorites and it was really good. I ordered this truffle quesedilla and elote. My friends ordered a chicken taco with rice and beans.

My friend and I at Toloache 50
(Adzaan is Photoshopped in)

Photo By: Nikita Siu

After a great dinner, I headed back and prepped a little bit before I officially start the NYC media program with everyone. More updates to come so stay tuned!

Today, I plan to go out into NYC on my own. But before I do anything, I had to get work done for Panhellenic. I’m currently in charge of the marketing for formal recruitment this year and there were some things I had to finish. I worked on some instagram rho gamma stories and coordinated with Julia who is in charge of the digital image of Panhellenic which includes the websites and social media accounts. I finalized the layout and designs for the rho gamma spotlights to promote recruitment. Hopefully we'll reach our goal number for PNM (potential new member) registration.

After I finished some work, I headed off to a couple of my favorite stores. I went to & other stories and cos to shop. They usually have modern and spunky dressy/work related clothes that I can mix and match pretty well with anything. When I finished shopping at those two stores, I started to head back to the hotel and I made a pit stop for lunch at this random place similar to Dos Toros Taqueria. Then I decided on a whim to go to Soho for the first time. Lyka was telling me all about Soho during dinner since it’s well known for having boutique stores and unique stuff you can’t find anywhere else.


Day One


New Outlook